What to say, what to say.
The opening was pretty good, left me with the question of how will the song progress, and how will it digest the material?
However, everything :32 is pretty much.. Boring? There's no melody, just a constant buzz coming from that synth and it gets rather repetitive. I can hear other parts in there sure, but they don't really change or add to the song enough. The drums are pretty much constant, which I guess makes sense, though you could have been more creative with them. The ending is slightly better, but that's not saying much in this case. It gets so distorted by the end it makes my ears hurt in all honesty.
I went and listened to some of your other pieces as well. I think you're a good artist with talent for the electronic genre, this song is lacking. Real bad. There's nothing supporting that one part play most of the time, of course it sounds like it should be the support part anyway. It sounds more like an outro to a song rather then a song. I also saw that this was or the MAC competition.. Madness can have melodies too. In example, though this is a more classical song, Bartok's String Quartet #4. It's indistinguishable in where the beat is almost at parts, sounds like Psycho music, but it's still good, and it's an example of madness with melody and music.
That's all I have to say at the moment, good luck on future work... and... The song can be counted in either 6/8 or 4/4. It just depends on what the tempo you had set was. If you count it 1,2,3,4,5,6 then the 1. If it's counted as 4/4 then there's an accent on beats 1 and 3. :P I just thought that'd be an enjoyable after comment because of your commentary.